From the comfort of my sofa

I just like to read! There is no greater pleasure than a peaceful house and a good book. I will read most genres but not sure I have the imagination to really "get" some science fiction and fantasy.

Worryingly possible!

I See You - Clare Mackintosh

I was lucky enough to receive a copy of this book via THE Book Club (TBC on Facebook) and the publisher (Little, Brown Books).  Having loved I Let You Go, I was very excited to be able to read this.

Firstly, I absolutely loved the cover and this alone would be enough for me to buy the book - just to look at it!

Secondly, the book itself, while not necessary the most action-packed of thrillers to start with, this one crept under my skin. I don't want to give anything away, it would be very easy to spoil this book, but it seems scarily realistic, worryingly possible and just horribly shocking! 

All round easy five stars from me, highly recommended.